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The Role of VR and AR in the Web3 Metaverse

VR and AR in the Web3 Metaverse

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While both Play a critical role in the Web3 metaverse, VR completely creates an artificial world while AR adds digital elements to an existing environment.

VR and AR complement each other. One could enter a virtual world using a VR headset, and when ready, switch to an AR application to interact with the virtual content in real-life.

Examples include: Microsoft HoloLens, Pokémon GO, The Sandbox, and Decentraland.

More interoperability, better AI integration, wider acceptance, and new advertising and monetization methods are all possibilities for the future of VR and AR integration in the Web3 Metaverse.

To invest in headsets and glasses, as well as use platforms such as The Sandbox and Decentraland are good starting points.

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